So Emma made a monumental step this week: the start of "big girl school". It seems as though we have talked about this day for years. She has always wanted to ride a bus to Katie's school, and today was the day. But more about that in a second.
These pictures didn't come out so great, but here is Emma in the van getting out at her last day of daycare or as she says "kids school paradise". I'm not sure where that one comes from b/c her daycare is called Children's Paradise, but anyway. I took one standing in front of school, but my lens fogs up sometimes in morning, and it didn't come out that great.

Here we are in the afternoon, saying goodbye to Miss Chelsea

... and to Miss Whitney, who not only is one of my former students, but is also the lone individual responsible for potty training my second child at 2 years old. (I did not get this one accomplished with Katie until 3 and a half!) Her mom owns the daycare and Whitney runs it. We have truly been blessed with this daycare (I'm tearing up writing this, what a weenie). They have truly loved our children, and we will miss them (although, not the bill! --woo-hoo, mama got a raise!)

Now, here we are on Emma's first day of school. All the boys went on Thursday, and then all of the girls went today (Friday). Here she is in her tiny little jumper:

Here she is with her Tinkerbell booksack (its as big as she is, but having said that, so was Katie's - hard to believe, I know!):

Katie, the great big sister, who really did take care of Emma that day (no, really, no fighting and everything!)

The proud Daddy and his girls:

And here I am with my girls. And yes, if you're wondering, I did boo-hoo a little that morning. I was okay, until I told Katie to take care of her and make sure she got to class okay. (then I lost it again at my school, when I was telling my friend Julie about it! Gosh, I need therapy!)
Her are the girls getting off the bus at the high school after a great day of school:

And here is my baby after the first day of "big girl school", a little worn , but still adorable.