Saturday, February 20, 2010

Emma's first soccer game!

Well, Emma has now participated in her first organized team sport, and like most 5 year olds, she spent most of her time goofing off with her teamates and wondering what the snack was for after the game! We have the unfortunate luck of being the orange team (a little too Halloween-ish for my taste), but Emma doesn't really care. I think she had a good time and spent most of her playing time running (or often skipping) around the crowd around the ball. She got to throw it in and kick it a few times. We'll see if she has that "killer instinct" for competetion by the end of the season. The weather was great, and it was nice just sitting out there. Here are a few pictures:

1 comment:

Julie said...

LOVE that first pic!!! Hilarious!!! Great post...keep 'em comin'!


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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!