Saturday, February 11, 2012

LSU Vet school open house

This Saturday the LSU Vet school had its open house.  I think Katie had been before, but I don't know that Emma had ever been.  The open house was 30 years old this year (almost as old a me..tee hee).  It is a lot of  fun and this biology teacher really loves it.

At the beginning of our tour

petting the precious bunny

touching a cow eye (my brave girls)

In case you are wondering, the purpose of the fistulated cow is to breed good bacteria to help other cows!  I had to ask, of course

who was the only one brave enough to stick their hand in the cow?

... the biology teacher!

"Thanks for violating me, Mrs. Carroll"

Emma loved all the horses at the school.

"Can we have horses in The Willows"?
 Next, we headed to the petting zoo portion of the tour and saw some cuties and a friend from school:

Emma's friend, Molly.

One of the coolest parts was the equine treadmill.  I had never seen this, and they can get the horses running 35 mph.  I've never been so close to a horse going so fast.  Very cool.

checking out more horses - my city girl kids were fascinated.

Emma figured out that if she held the hay up to them, they would eat out of her hands.

some of the rehabilitated birds

Getting to ultrasound some things

Emma felt some cow lungs - they were huge!

my future scientists checking out some parasites under the microscope.

Hard to see, but this is Mike the Tiger!

A great time was passed by to Johnny's pizza for lunch!

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