Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Friday night in Jacket stadium!

So with the start of school, also comes the start of football season, which I greet with mixed emotions. Its true what Mark says.. there's nothing like the Friday night lights. As much as we love baseball season, you just don't get the same feeling without the band and some cheerleaders! And as much as I hate Mark's practice and game schedule, its WAY, WAY, WAAAAAAY better than his baseball schedule!

So we begin another season in Jacket stadium:

Our mascot, Butch the yellow jacket (... I always want to call him Buzz):

There are always a lot of kids to play with, especially girls. Here are Katie and Emma with some other coaches / teachers kids at the game:

Here are the boys running out:

... and here they are getting reading to break through the sign:

Here is Emma and Buzz, I mean Butch, with Faith, our head coach's daughter. She is our "mini - buzz"

Lastly, here is our band, feauring the Jackettes and everyone's favorite babysitter, Tiffany (2nd from the left). As mentioned before, my kids adore her!:

Notice, no pictures of Mark. He was there, but I guess kinda busy. I'll try next time. Oh, by the way, we beat Broadmoor by a whole bunch. I don't watch much of the game, too busy socializing and watching kids...sorry honey!

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!