Saturday, October 15, 2011

Field trips and Math Night and more - Oh My!

Several things have been happening around the Carroll house the last few weeks.  Here's the latest:

Emma lost a tooth tonight - only a face a mother could love!:

We had Math Night at Northside.  Here is Emma with her most beloved first grade teacher, Ms. Mixon:

Here Emma does some math in her classroom:

Here are Katie and Emma posing by the scarecrow that looks strangely like their principal Mrs. Anderson:

Emma had a field trip to the Corn Maze (a first grade tradition).  Mark went with her and volunteered to take all of the pictures for me - although he didn't get any with him in it, I promise he was there!

Here's Emma's BFF, Addie:

Emma on the 'cow ride':

This is Carson (the red head) - his dad coaches with Mark:

Emma posing - this is one of my favorites b/c of the wonderful background and framing that Mark did with the porta potties and such (Gosh, he's like a C. C. Lockwood when it comes to photography, huh?)

We may need to put Emma back in these in high school:

Some cow couch or something? (I have no idea....)

 Emma and Cameron:

So the week before Emma's field trip, Katie and I went on her field trip to see Dr. Kaboom at the Manship Theatre.  It was right up my alley.  I didn't get to take pictures during the show, so here are just a few:

Here are Maria, Jessie and Katie after the show at North Park:

Here is Katie and her buddy Kaci before the show.  Katie really has a sweet spot in her heart for Kaci:

An awesome show of Katie and me - self done (if you can't tell!):


Kaci, Katie and "little" Alana before the show (Alana got her name from me on Katie's first grade field trip to the corn maze, just like Emma, because I was "in charge" of her and Katie and Katie was already 2 heads taller than her!)

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!