Friday, May 28, 2010

My little penny pinchers

Okay, so my children have some how managed to obtain (I don't say inherit b/c knowing myself, that couldn't be possible) the ability to save money. This all started when Katie was begging for an iTouch that I refused to buy. So I told her (tongue in cheek) that she could save for one, which originally I had no intention of letting her do. I wanted her to get a netbook and I was going to pay half - for strictly selfish reasons - I wanted a net book! Anyway, when Mark and I got grants from school to get new laptops, I decided she could buy what she wanted, so today we went to Best Buy and Target to get the girls "prizes".

Emma took her $30 and bought a Jesse doll; doesn't it look great with Katie's old Halloween costume:

And here is Katie with her brand new iTouch (which makes me want to break down and get the iPhone, as I am surely the only one in the free world without internet access on her phone and who takes 10 minutes to send a text message) In all honesty, I never thought she would do it, but she saved $150 and I had told her I would pay the rest! Crazy, huh?

The reason she is dressed like a boy is b/c that is her "musical theater" costume for the dance recital. Its called "Newsies" and they are dressed like old fashioned news boys. They all have different pants and shirts and such; its actually quite cute!

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!