Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wrapping up school... yeah!

No pictures this week, but the Carroll's are wrapping up the end of another school year and couldn't be happier. Mark, sadly, is done with baseball (sad for him.... for the rest of us... well, honestly, its nice having Dad around again). His good friend Kyle at Catholic, did win the state title, though - so congrats to you Kyle (and my alma mater... kind of).

Mark and I have exams this week at school, and our students check out after exams, so the week goes really fast. Katie has her awards program Monday after lunch. I have a haircut Tuesday and Emma has a preschool "graduation" of sorts Wednesday - Busy until the bitter end! Dancing is still going strong with Katie dancing 2 nights a week and Emma just one. Emma wants to do some gymnastics this summer also.
This is actually last year's trip, but you get the idea, just picture Katie taller!
We are heading down to Gulf Shores, really Fort Morgan, to The Beach Club. It looks like an amazing place with a restaurant, coffee shop and stores. We got a terrific deal going before Memorial Day. We are all looking forward to a great trip after a rather long and tedious school year.
After the beach trip we hit the ground running, again. Mark will start summer ball with baseball and football lifting and 7 on 7 in football too. The girls will have swim lessons and dancing for most of the summer. Katie is going to do a science camp at LSU too. Mark and I have a few workshops for school, but nothing too time consuming.
My next post should have some pics from this week, like of the awards / graduation stuff, so check back later this week before we head to the beach! Yeah summer!

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!