Sunday, February 27, 2011

Emma's busy social calendar

So, we'll leave out the gory details, but this week was tough one at the Carroll house. A stomach bug went through the ENTIRE family, even this mama's horse strong, high school teacher worn's immune system. I swore I would not fall, but alas, I was the last one to fall on Thursday. We'll leave the details out, but Mark and I both missed two days of work, one with a sick kid, and the other with a sick self! By Friday, we had all recovered.

Anyway, Saturday Emma had two engagements to attend. First was Cameron's cupcake party at Cupcake and Cream on sherwood. It was very cool. They got to 'make' cupcakes and then decorate them. Here Emma puts in some sugar:

Katie added some chocolate sauce. (Much to Emma's disappointment, Cameron's mom invited Katie to stay since one of her guests had cancelled):

Emma and the birthday girl:

Katie decorating her cupcake:

Emma decorates her cupcake. You should have seen the amount of icing on these things when they were done. And of course, Emma ate about 2 bites!

Emma and Cameron model their finished products:

After the party Emma had her FIRST SLUMBER PARTY at Addie's house. I wasn't sure if she was going to make it all night because she seemed so little, but I had a feeling she would be okay. (She tends to be a little braver than some one else in our household!) Addie's mom said their wasn't even a mention of home the whole time! So proud of her. Emma and Addie love each other so much, they crack me up. When they see each other, they hug like its been years. Too funny. I didn't get too many pics b/c Addie's mom picked Emma up, but I got this one when I picked her up the next morning.
This is Emma, Sophie (Addie's cousin), Addie and Aubrey, the neighbor across the street who is in the first grade at Northside:

My little baby is growing up. Sometimes, I miss the crib and noonie days!

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!