Thursday, December 9, 2010

Miss popularity!

So, the other night at the girls' school we had Family Literacy Night, and the theme was a travel - passport one - very cute and the girls really enjoyed it. I didn't bring my regular camera, so wasn't planning on taking any pictures..... but then as Mark was standing outside Emma's kindergarten classroom (while I was inside helping the girls with the craft for that room), he noticed a certain penguin picture. The students hang their pictures outside the room with their names over it. He noticed this one had something written on it:

"Is that Emma's penguin?" you ask,why no, that is Aiden's penguin - her sometimes "boyfriend" and it says "I love Emma" (sorta). I just had to get a picture of it with my phone.

Here Emma poses in her most modest way with the picture:

Doesn't she just seem embarassed by it (that's sarcasm, in case you can't tell in my writing).

And if you think that was her only admirer that night, then you should have seen her sitting with Jacob when we ate dinner in the cafeteria.

I'm not sure if I should be happy that she is well-liked by her classmates or worry that she may be a kindergarten "player"! Good thing her dad is a big guy!

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!