Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Birthday festivities

The girls' birthdays came around with some fun festivities this year.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving we had a bowling party for them at Circle Bowl.  They turned 7 and 11 with galactic bowling (loud music and lights) and several friends. 

Here's the birthday table with t-shirts for signing and bowling pins full of drink!

Cute bowling wrap by Jacob's mom for Emma:

Daddy and Emma bowl:

Emma bowls with Nannie Kim and Mr. Richard

Katie and her friends:

Emma and her friends:

Emma and Nannie Kim:

Aiden and Jacob fight for Emma's affections:

Emma with Jacob and Addy:

Katie and her friends dance while they bowl:

Mama and her baby Emma:

The birthday girls have Happy Birthday sung to them:

Dancing the Hokey Pokey:

Emma and Jacob:

The cake:

Blowing out the birthday candles:

Katie and Daddy play games with our tokens - Daddy hit 500 tickets!

So the next weekend - the day of their actually birthday - which also happened to be the day of the SEC championship with LSU and Georgia, we ran between activities and managed to squeeze in some birthday time for the girls.  Here we are at home after "Breakfast with Santa" at school and Nutcracker ballet practice and watching the game with friends, having some time to open presents with the girls:

Katie and her new camera:

Emma and her new American Doll.  This is one of the look alike dolls, and Emma has named her Kendra:

Katie's new ballet pendant:

Katie and her gifts:

Emma and Kendra:

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!