Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Christmas festivities!

Another Christmas tradition is visiting the Messenger's Christmas decorations.  We got there a few days before Christmas.  It was crazy crowded, so I didn't take too many pictures with the girls in them b/c it was quite difficult.  Here are a few scenes:

Emma in front of one of my favorites:

Emma in front of the new scene for 2011.

The new 2011 scene.  I learned on Facebook that there is a nativity in each scene, and I never noticed that, so Mark and Emma and I enjoyed looking for baby Jesus in each one.  

Here is the history wall of each year, how it started, how is moved from Baton Rouge to Denham and so forth.  I boldly suggested to them that Mark and I should be on this "wall of fame" b/c we are like "local celebrities" - we'll see if we make the wall next year!

Katie with her friend Avery, who was spending the night that night and Emma.  As you can tell from their dress, it was a blustery night that night!

On Christmas eve we had our annual visit with Molly and Wayne Williams (who are friends from Belaire Days, and who were also in our wedding!)  This is Katie and Emma with their girls: Avery and Morgan.  

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