Monday, July 15, 2013

Walt Disney World: Part 1 - the Journey

So, as many of you who read this blog know, Disney is kind of "my thing".  Luckily it is also many of your things too! (I know that wasn't exactly grammatically correct, but its the summer).  Any way, I need to "get my fix" every few years.  I realized about a year ago that it had been 5 YEARS since my family had been to the Disney parks.  We did the cruise 2 years ago, and I did my school trip last Mardi Gras, but the Carroll's hadn't been to the parks as a family since Emma was 3 years old.  My poor baby girl hardly even remembered the trip.  So I justify this somewhat expensive endeavor in her honor (or need).  I knew this trip would be particularly amazing b/c we were also going during my birthday!  No big deal, right? Unless your birthday happens to fall fourth of July weekend!  Hot and crowded, right... a nightmare?  Well, not really.  The stars must have aligned or something because we had an awesome time with fairly average crowds and the weather was quite pleasant.  (Mark and I took Katie in May when she was 3 and had record highs of 95 and 98 while we were there, so you never know!)  Mark had quite the busy summer this year with baseball and so between his schedule and my wanting to cross this one off my bucket list (birthday at my happy place), we decided to do it, and I was pleasantly surprised.

So, when trying to decide how I could possibly blog all of this with hundreds of pictures, I have decided to divide my blogs into the journey, and then each of the parks after that.  We went to multiple parks on multiple days, so I think chronologically may be difficult. I have also ordered the Disney Photo Pass CD with our pictures, and I may treat that as a separate blog too.  Here it goes:

I honestly think I am one of those people who enjoy the journey more than the actual event in many ways.  I get giddy planning a Disney trip (or any trip).  I think my retirement plan should involve trip planning some way.  So I probably booked our hotel room at least 8 months before we left, but resisted making our countdown calendar until 100 days before the trip.  So as tradition, the girls and I made our calendar and decorated it with some of my many Disney stickers:

The last day before we leave!

Emma packed in the car and ready to go!

Katie out like a light somewhere between Denham Springs and the Alabama state line:

Emma still as excited as her mom!

Guess who else is excited?

Mississippi state line:

Our traditional stop at the Alabama state line for lunch (whether its Disney or the beach, this is a must for us!)

Gotta stop at the Florida line for the orange juice:

Mama looking a little rough here, but excited none the less.

One of several Disney advertisements at the Welcome Center.

So... we weren't going to see Harry this trip, but sure do love him!

So we stopped for the night at a hotel in Tallahassee.  I know we could have driven the entire way (Julie!), but this was enough for us.  (we did drive the whole way home because we are so depressed).  Something about staying at one of these smaller hotels reminds me of traveling when I was little.  My kids are so spoiled, and have really stayed at some amazing places because their mom is such a bargain shopper.  This hotel was perfectly clean and nice, but kind of "motel - ish".  Good times! 

My new vehicle outside the hotel room.  It was so nice to drive in.  I am loving it!

So this ends our first leg of the journey.  We got up pretty early the next morning and headed out for Disney.  The next blog will be at our hotel!

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!