Sunday, June 5, 2011

Our day in Nassau

Our first morning on the ship, we docked in Nassau, the Bahamas. Having the verandah on our stateroom allowed us to really get a great view of the ports. Here is the city of Nassau

Here is one of many "self-portraits" of me and Katie. Katie likes to take pictures as much as I do. Emma does most of the time, but it kinda depends on her mood:

Katie on our verandah with Nassau in the background:

Not that I needed another picture of Katie and the scenery (b/c Lord knows, she'd let me take 100 of them!), but I found this one funny, b/c it probably could have been a really cute picture if the waiter wasn't in it, and she wasn't sprouting something out of her head!)

A ground view of the Dream after we disembarked:

Mark and I on the glass bottom boat:

A view of the water from our glassbottom boat.

After viewing the fish on the bottom of the boat, we went up to the top deck to feed the fish. Here Emma is feeding the fish:

Somehow Mark ended up with the loaf of bread and had to pass out the slices to everyone on the excursion. His new nickname is "The Bread Man":

The family as we walked back to the ship:

So... in true Bahamian fashion, when we got back to the ship, Disney had ladies on board to braid hair. I felt better about doing this on the ship, than the random women on the streets of Nassau ("Hey Momma, yo girls want da braids!" - uh, no thanks) Katie got hers first, just 3 little ones on the side (not 'corn rowed'), then Emma got the true corn rows on the front half of her head. It was actually quite cute, and so many little girls had them on the cruise.

Emma's hair do:

Both of the girls with their island up do:

Katie actually kept her hair up for several days, and Emma, of course in true Emma fashion, had to have her's taken out the next day (by her father, b/c I refused! - and he's way more patient)

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About Me

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My favorite things are LSU, the beach and Disneyworld!